A Path Around

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Nix,

    I read some of your posts and chick, listen to me, K? YOU CAN DO THIS! It's all in our minds. I know it; I've been there so I'm not just saying it. Have you gone to a doc? I did before I decided to take this journey with all of you at RBW. I needed to find out my cholesterol level, what diets does my doc approve and I also took a blood test for my Thyroid (that just might be something that's stopping you from losing weight). My doc highly recommended South Beach Diet and I went to the bookstore (no I didn’t buy the book-there are so many) and I set there and read a few pages, took some notes and by the time I got home I figured I'd use the bones of SBD and the rest play it by ear. Guess what? Six weeks later I'm 15 lbs lighter, and I have no measuring no weighing no counting calories!

    Check out my blog at


    I'm also walking, NO RUNNING at this time. I don't want to pass out! I walk and walk and walk! Treadmill, at work, at parking lots I park waaaaaaay far (that one my hubby likes a lot, (especially if I drive his baby Benz).

    If you need me, I'm here for you and I'm telling you now that I know this just 'cause you took that first step and joined all of us ;-)) We're in the same boat and we swim together or sink together, and girl, I'm not letting us SINK!!! Hear me?!

